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Paring & Utility Knives


Classic Utility Knife - Purple Yam, 6-in


Smaller than a chef's knife and larger than a paring knife, the WÜSTHOF Classic Utility Knife is the perfect blade for a myriad of tasks. Think of this handy utility knife as a slightly longer, just-as-versatile paring knife with an aptitude for...

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Classic Paring Knife - Purple Yam, 3.5-in


After a chef's knife, the paring knife is the second-most important knife to have on hand in your kitchen. The small, versatile WÜSTHOF 3.5-in (9cm) Classic Paring Knife has a narrow, plain-edge blade that tapers to a point at the tip, making it...

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Asian Utility Knife - Kanso, 7-in

$254.00 $202.95

  The Shun Kanso Asian Utility Knife is a beautiful multi-tasking blade—from its sharp tip, which can be used to peel ginger, to its long, straight edge, perfect for portioning meat. While it may look like a meat cleaver, it isn't...

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Utility Knife - Premier Series, 6.5-in

$246.00 $196.95

The Shun Premier Utility Knife offers a razor-sharp 6-in. edge that also makes quick work of anything that goes in a sandwich—meats, cheeses, tomato slices, and more. That specialized use is why this style of knife is sometimes called a sandwich...

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