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Foolproof Gnocchi

by Caren McSherry
Gnocchi is not that difficult to make, but it is time consuming and a bit temperamental depending on the potatoes used. They should be light, pillowy and tender to the tooth. The producer of the best  pasta and pizza flours in Italy has perfected the ideal mix for gnocchi. I am not a fan of mixes, but when it is as fabulous as MOLINO PASINI is, I buy in.
The pre made options are like eating little hockey pucks, so this is certainly worth a try. You will love it.
RECIPE Foolproof Gnocchi


  • 1 1/2 cups  ( 240 grams) Molino PASINI gnocchi mix
  • 1 1/3 cup water (300 ml)
  • Tools: A cookie sheet lightly oiled and a large slotted spoon


1. In a large bowl combine the flour mix and water, mix well to combine, divide the dough into 6 equal pieces. Lightly dust your work surface with flour, then take one piece and roll into a sausage about the width of your finger (1/2 inch) then cut into 1 inch pieces.
2. If you want to be authentic, roll the tops with the tines of a fork to make and indentation, or use a gnocchi board to do the same.  This is not necessary, if time is not on your side, the taste is the same.
3. Drop the gnocchi into a large pot of salted boiling water, when they float to the top, remove with a slotted spoon and transfer to the lightly oiled cookie sheet.


Copyright (c) Caren McSherry November 2019
Filed Under: main, gnocchi, Italian dish

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